Opanka Serves Free Food On Ghana Independence Day

Today marks Independence Day, and the OpankaArmy commander Opanka thought of serving FREE food in his own little way with his team and the Waakye Boss to put smiles on peoples face as it could help reduce a lil bit of the struggles and stress most people are going through.

Since he can’t solve everybody’s problem but atleast tried his best to serve his country and make it better even though he is not a politician.
Ghana is all we have whether we like it or not so let’s all join heads and make it better. Happy Independence Day to all Ghanaians once again.
I realized most of our leaders take advantage of our problems and only serve us when they need our votes, it’s high time we realize the power we have as citizens and see ourselves as our own leaders and do what will make our lives and country better cos “most” leaders don’t really care about us, they only care about their pockets and families.

🍱: Waakye Boss
📸: Asa Joe
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