Zylofon Still Alive,Only Lazy Artiste Will Give Up – Efe Keyz

For some months now with the uprising controversies surrounding Menzgold people are speculating the effect it might have had on zylofon or is having on zylofon.
There has been rumors but no one has come out yet to confirm if zylofon will close down alongside menzgold as menzgold was it main financier. Menzgold clients took to attacking zylofon workers in the heat of the issue therefore it wasn’t surprising to see key people like sammyflex, willi roi and co remove the zylofon sticker from their car.
Joyce blessing recently is rumoured to have exited the multi billion company on accounts that zylofon never supported her career. But the public cant forget the car, cash and house we heard was given to her when she was signed. This has lead to more speculations that Zylofon media is dead.
Efe keyz one of the talents from zylofon artclub who shot to fame with her first single juju under zylofon seems to strongly support Zylofon and in s recent post on her page stated Zylofon is very much alive amd its only lazy artiste who give up.The songstress has released a new one called CASANOVA with a soon to come video. We are yet to hear from Executives of Zylofon about the current situation. Meantime enjoy Casanova from Efe keyz
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