Homily For The Epiphany Of The Lord, Year B.

The reflection below is Fr. Dominic Yamoah’s homily on this Sunday at Sts. Clare’s Clarinda, Sacred Heart, Bedford, and St. Joseph at Villisca. It is a product of my readings online and personal reflection. I am sharing them because they touched my life, and that of my Parishioners and I believe they will influence your life too. May God bless you
Today we celebrates the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. Epiphany is a Greek word, which means manifestation or revelation. In our liturgy, it means the manifestation or revelation of Jesus (who is the light of the world) to the people of all nations. By becoming man in Mary’s womb, Jesus, the Son of God did not only come for the People of Israel, represented by the Shepherds of Bethlehem, but also for the whole of humanity, represented by the Magi or the Wise Men who came from faraway lands to worship the baby Jesus. Epiphany tells us that Jesus who is the light of all humankind came not only for the Jews but also for the Gentiles.
Paul states this very clearly in the Second Reading, “the mystery of God’s plan of salvation initiated after the fall of Adam and Eve which used to be a secret, has now been revealed through the spirit to the Apostles and Prophets; and that, now the Gentiles share the same inheritance with the Jews. They therefore constitute membership of the same body and the same promise made to us in Christ”. In other words, God wants everyone through the gospels to receive salvation and come to the knowledge of the truth. Salvation is therefore a gift through faith in Jesus Christ.
The magi is therefore a representation of the Church, made up of people from every race, tribe, language and nation. Their presence around the baby Jesus convey to us that all nations are at home in God and that the arms of Jesus are stretched above all races and nations. Indeed, we celebrate today the Light of the World, who has made the darkness of our life brighter by his wondrous presence. Isaiah therefore calls us in the first reading to “rise up and shine, for our light has come and the glory of the Lord is rising on us”.
The feast of Epiphany challenges us to share the light of Christ that we have received with others especially those who dwell in darkness. A responsibility that we must discharge beyond the boundaries of our acquaintances. Many people including our relatives and friends are like the wise men, searching for someone who will give meaning to their life and lead them to the light of Christ. There are also people in our lives searching for forgiveness and reconciliation, we must guide them and lead them to the truth in life like the wise men.
This feast invites us to continue the manifestation of Christ to the world and to offer Christ to those who are still searching for meaning in life. People who are so confused and unsure about their future, Christ is the only hope for them and we are his hands, his voice, his compassion and his love for them. We need to help all these people find the path that leads to life, happiness and freedom.
We should not forget that the wise men did not keep to themselves what they heard and saw; they stayed at the side of the Holy Family briefly and went back home to spread the good news. Their lives and their actions never remained the same. Fr. Dominic Yamoah, your pastor, intends leave here ever determined to spread the good news of God through a worthy life led in the light and in our relationships with others. May you also do same.